Category: Trips and Events
Visit to the Law Society
We had an in-depth talk from Lizzette Robleto de Howarth about the workings of the Law Society. We were also shown round the building. A thoroughly enjoyable day.
Visit to the Japanese Garden at Holland Park
Helen showed us around the Kyoto Garden at Holland Park. The Kyoto Garden was opened in 1991. It was a gift from the city of Kyoto to commemorate the long friendship between Japan and Great Britain. It is a Japanese “style” garden, as due to climate differences and native trees it cannot fully be Japanese. It features a waterfall, turtle island and a heron, (as well as peacocks that walk around the whole of Holland Park). The space is meant for quiet contemplation whilst walking around the pre-determined paths.
Queen’s Park Day 2018
Queen’s Park Day this year has been a great success. We had lovely weather; not too cold and not too hot, and thankfully the rain held off. Thank you to all our members for contributing their time and bakes for the stall. We had the traditional brownies and biscuits as well as some more unusual offerings of “Medovik” – Russian Honey Cake. Also a few more healthy options of fruit skewers which many children enjoyed greatly . The blackberry and star anise cordial also went down a treat with the locals, especially with the use of the drinks dispensers which made the whole process of serving the cordial a lot more exciting. Once again thank you to all those who helped out, and we hope to see everyone again next year to do it all again.
Photos by Gavin and John
Practical Woman Workshop
About ten of us had a very enjoyable day courtesy of the Practical Woman team learning how to put up shelves, replace door locks and fix simple plumbing problems. It was refreshing to be able to wield electrical screwdrivers and spirit levels in a friendly atmosphere. Best of all were the tips and tricks to demystify the world of plumbing in our homes. So it was a good use of an otherwise unseasonably snowy day.
Written by Angela
Photos by Jessica Watson and Emma Halford-Busby from the Practical Woman Team.
Cambridge Sampler Outing
Six of us caught the train to Cambridge one fine morning in February to see the Embroidered Samplers exhibition at the Fitzwilliam museum. Over 100 samplers were on display, some made by girls as young as eight and many referencing historical events going back to the 1700s. It was fascinating to see the superb workmanship that went into these beautiful samplers, particularly when the embroiderers would not have had electric light to illuminate their work. They also had real purpose as some were made to secure better jobs in households. Afterwards we found a restaurant for lunch and then walked through the “Cambridge backs” to admire the colleges and their grounds before making our way back to the station to get a busy train back to London. A good day was had by all.
Written by Angela
Poppy De-Installing at the Tower of London
Runnymede to Windsor Walk
A walk which connected two of the most historically significant locations in English history.
Three of us (plus dog) had a glorious sunny day in Windsor Great Park which even included ice creams and a polo match.