February 2021

We saw lengthening days and drier, sunnier weather throughout February.  Many of our members have had their first Covid vaccine which cheered us all up.  

We had an excellent and inspiring talk by Misba Khan on her expedition to the North Pole.  Misba started her adventure career by going out with her local Ramblers’ group and has been to the K2 base camp since going to the north pole, so every journey starts with one step.  All this while working for the NHS and raising her family.

We had our first zoom theatre evening and watched the amazing Cirque du Soleil.

Jigsaws became an unexpected ‘thing’ this month with a sudden flurry of sharing of various puzzles.

We have continued to meet up in socially distanced pairs for health enhancing walks in our local area as well as meeting on Mondays for tea and chat via zoom.

Our book of the month, Americanah, proved popular with many members of our book club.

And lastly, a supply of seed potatoes was welcomed by and  shared amongst our gardening members.

January 2020

The long, long month of January is thankfully over. The days are getting longer with clumps of snowdrops and even some crocuses making an appearance heralding the start of spring.

Whatsapp continues to be a boon in the pandemic enabling several of our members to meet up on a 1:1 basis in local parks for a walk and a chat.  

We have also started drop-in and chat zoom sessions on Mondays at 4pm which are proving popular.  We had a theme for one session of sharing earrings from our travels with many people sharing interesting and funny stories about how they chose their jewellery.

There was an interesting discussion about the US Presidential inauguration as it was on the same day.  

Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart was our book of the month.  This provided a good discussion with those of us who read it finding it well written, although gritty and definitely not a bed-time read.

Along with many WIs around the country we discussed and voted on the resolutions at our January meeting.  This is part of the annual process which culminates in members voting to adopt a resolution which may form a national campaign if adopted.  The resolution to ‘Stop women dying prematurely from coronary heart disease (CHD)’ gained most votes from our WI.  The committee will discuss how we can support this resolution over the coming year.  


Written by Angela